I just dont understand how anybody could be so motivated by hate that it consumes them. What I dont understand more is why would somebody try to mask this hate by religion (i.e Muslim extremist and the West Boro Baptist Church "W.B.C."). This "Church" preaches nothing but hate plain and simple. It picks through the Bible and focuses in on a few stern mostly old testament verses, and makes God out to be this vengeful, hateful God that loves few and hates many. I was raised Baptist, and the fact that this "Church" calls itself Baptist is an insult to the Baptist community. They have no real ties to the Baptist community and it's just a name these people gave themself, no Baptist association supports them, infact they denounce them. It would be like Osama Bin Laden calling himself a Presbyterian. They believe Homosexuals are the cause of all Americas problems, and the Military is at fault for supporting them (when did the military start supporting gays?) by fighting to protect for freedom of all Americans. The thing that just tops the cake is that whenever one of our troops is killed in combat, these people show up at the members funeral to protest. They hold up offensive signs feet from the ceremony that insult this persons service and sacrifice, and hurt this family terribly. They did it as recent as last week when a 21 year old female Marine Corporal was being laid to rest. The good news is a group of mostly veterans that call themselves the Patriot Guard Freedom Riders were there to shield this hate from the family with their benevolent deeds. They block the WBC from the families view by an overwhelming presence and flags. They are non-violent, and they dont instigate hate or anything. They are there to supprt the military member who sacrificed everything, nothing more. Im tired of hearing about these WBC members, I think they are just attention whores and are completely insane. They hate America so much and hate everything it stands for, they just need to get out!
watch this video
These people are ridiculous. Are they in the U.S. or in Italy? Yes, the military supports freedom for everyone - even homosexuals - and even people like them who want to stand out in public and act obnoxious! Did they ever think of THAT??
They are from Kansas, its just crazy....
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