Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You would just think.....

Im am about to venture off and do my PRT (physical readiness test) for the Navy. It is composed of a weigh in, toe touch, mile and a half run, push ups and sit ups. You have to be within weight regulation (if you fail this enough times your fat butt gets kicked out), you must be able to touch your toes (should be easy, lots of Sailors can't), you have 2 minutes each to perform as many sit up and push-ups. The cherry on the top is the mile and a half run. You would think being in the MILITARY, a fighting force, that you would want to be physically fit. It amazes me the amount of overweight and underfit people serving our country. Its like when I was in boot camp, we had people join the Navy who did not know how to swim. Now this may be just me, but if theres the risk of me going out to sea on a ship, I think I would learn how to swim before I volunteer to do this. We had people in Boot Camp with me who couldnt read, not because they couldnt see the words, they just didnt know how to read em. Back to the PRT. Its always funny to me, that 2 weeks before the PRT you start to see people in the gym trying to shed the lbs for the weigh in and improve their run time. Personally I think we should be physically fit year round, but of course thats just me again. Its just a pet peeve of mine to see people in their younger 20's winded after running a lap. Im going to wrap this up and just blame it on their parents. Now a days you see the signs " Caution Children at Play", but you never see the children. They are all inside playing video games for hours on end, and their parents are letting them. The United States will not remain a world power if this continues, the Asians are going to take over, they are much smarter and they play outside. I just dont see why kids play Basketball video games when they could actually go outside and play basketball. Shoot em up games are ok though, we dont really want kids going outside and shooting people, that has got to stop!!!!!!


Editor in Chief said...

Here, here, Navy Nephew! I agree on all accounts.

And I'm somewhat disturbed about the reading thing.

My sister used to hate the PRTs, but she had an ankle injury and had serious issues with the pace. She could finish, just not fast enough.

I think most men in general have a hard time touching their toes. I think their 'parts' get in the way.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Ha ha!

japruf said...

i was at the pentagon for a summer and I had two favorite outfits to see people in. One was old air force pilots that still wore flight suits, but they filled them out. Flight suits should be baggy but these were rounded out by big bellies. The other favorite was women that would wear the maternity tops untucked (as is regulation for PREGNANT women), but they weren't pregnant, just really fat